muffle up the place
race into my mouth with your unriddled space
your face says more than the thousand likes
you like to implement into your sentences
tick tick boom
off we drift into shifty non-conversations
as long as we know to hold it
a bird chirped at me in the morning before our brains had awakened
before the church
with the rule breakers
forgotten what name was hers and yours
your feet pointing outwards
begging me to pay A T T E N T I O N
to where you were going
and I did
I payed attention
and saw layers of space
covering up our faces
but then I would like to know
how you tie your shoelaces
what side you take first
how you would tackle an impossible maze
and if you’d race me
what face would you make?
all for the sake of breaking even
with all the hidden lace in tact